Press Release Tires & Rubber 2018
The 21st edition of the International Exhibition for Rubber Goods, Tires, Their Production, Raw Materials and Equipment
For over 20 years Tires & Rubber has been a successful trade show and a main Russian event for manufacturers of rubber products and tires, tire retreading and recycling. The majority of exhibitors are regular participants who believe the trade show is an effective platform to promote their products and services.
Dates: 24–27 April 2018
Hours: 10.00 – 18.00; 10.00 – 16.00 on April 27
Venue: Forum Pavilion, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow
Organized by Expocentre AO
Supported by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, Russian Chemists Union, NIITEKHIM OAO
Auspices of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Logos: UFI, RUEF
Exhibition area: about 2,000 net sq m
Exhibitors: 150 companies
Foreign exhibitors include Comerio Ercole, VMI, KraussMaffei Berstorff, Textima, Troester, Franco Gomme, etc.
Russian exhibitors include 60 companies (BMP Technology, Dmitrov Rubber Technical Plant, ETS, Kurskrezinotekhnika, Saransk Plant Rezinotekhnika, Ural Plant, Ftorelastomery, Chaikovskiy Zavod RTD, Yaroslavl Rubber Plant, etc.)
Countries: 13 (Belarus, Belgium, China (including Taiwan), Czechia, Germany, Italy, South Korea, the Netherlands, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Ukraine)
Natural and synthetic rubbers; elastomeric materials, thermoplastic elastomers, composite materials; latex, silicones; chemical fibers and yarns, technical textile
Equipment for production of rubber goods; retreading and recycling equipment, equipment for quality control tests
General and special purpose rubber goods
Tires for all types of wheels
Goods made of recycled materials
Packaging and storage
Innovations, R&D
Environment protection, ecology
Contract manufacturing
Services for rubber industry and allied sectors
To learn more about product sectors, go here>>>.
Show highlights
The News of Tires & Rubber page at the Tires & Rubber website shows news of exhibiting companies.
Oksihim presents calcined magnesia widely used for production of tires, rubber mixes and products. Euro Chemicals presents silicone rubber compounds made using customer's specifications SILFOR®, liquid silicone rubber POWERSIL® XLR 620 AB.
The Presentation Zone offers technical seminars, workshops, presentations of companies and master classes of exhibitors.
The first Employment Centre at Tires & Rubber. Visitors can see the current job offers from the exhibitors, post their CVs, and get professional consultations.
Supporting events
The 8th edition of the Russian Conference Rubber 2018: Traditions and Innovations (with international participants) is organized by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Association of Producers of Rubber Technical Goods (Elastomers Association), NIIEMI OOO, the Moscow Technological University (Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies), assisted by Expocentre AO. Media support is provided by the Kauchuk & Rezina Magazine.
The wrap up and award ceremony of the Best Products competition for tire and rubber manufacturers working in the Russian market. The event is organized by the Kauchuk & Rezina, assisted by Expocentre AO.
"Over two decades this international high-profile event has been an important meeting point of professionals in the tires, rubber and rubber goods industry. The trade show and its supporting events always meet the challenges facing the industry."
Viktor Ivanov, President of the Russian Chemists Union
"The Russian rubber and tire industry is an important part of this country's chemical industry. It is on the rise now and become more and more attractive for investments and development of international cooperation."
Sergey Katyrin, President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Press Service, Expocentre AO