Tires & Rubber 2019: Best Solutions and Promising Developments. Press Release
The 22nd edition of the International Exhibition for Rubber Goods, Tires, Their Production, Raw Materials and Equipment
Tires & Rubber is developing successfully. It is full of novelties and annually showcases general and special purpose rubber goods and tires for all types of wheels, retreading and recycling equipment. Great interest in Tires & Rubber was shown by the customers of tires and rubber goods, among them representatives of the construction industry, chemical and oil and gas sectors, automotive, woodworking, textile industries and agriculture.
Dates: 23–26 April 2019
Hours: 10.00 – 18.00; 10.00 – 16.00 on April 26
Venue: Pavilion No.3, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow
Organised by Expocentre AO
Supported by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, Russian Chemists Union, NIITEKHIM OAO, Himvest STC
Auspices of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Logos: UFI, RUEF
Exhibition area: 1,800 sq m
Exhibitors: 150 companies
Countries: 12 (Austria, Belarus, China, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, Sweden, Ukraine)
National pavilion: China
Foreign exhibitors include VMI, Kloeckner Desma Elastomertechnik GmbH, KraussMaffei Berstorff, Maplan, Rubicon, UTH GmbH, Omni United (S) Pte Ltd, etc.
Russian exhibitors include 59 companies (Dmitrov Rubber Technical Plant, ETS, Ural Elastomeric Seals Plant, Fluoroelastomers, Yaroslavl-Rezinotekhnika, IKSO, Yarpolimermash, etc.)
Natural and synthetic rubbers; elastomeric materials, thermoplastic elastomers, composite materials; latex, silicones; chemical fibers and yarns, technical textile
Equipment for production of rubber goods; retreading and recycling equipment, equipment for quality control tests
General and special purpose rubber goods
Tires for all types of wheels
Goods made of recycled materials
Packaging and storage
Innovations, R&D
Environment protection, ecology
Contract manufacturing
Services for rubber industry and allied sectors
Take part in Tires & Rubber to
maintain business contacts
attract new customers
expand sales territory
increase sales
learn about new products and global market trends
Exhibiting goals:
84% established new contacts
85% learnt about novelties and latest trends
77% found suppliers
85% found customers
(Source: exhibitor statistics of Tires & Rubber 2018)
Show highlights
The Employment Centre specialists will provide visitors with the current job offers from exhibitors, help post their CVs, and give professional consultations.
Supporting events
The 9th edition of the Russian Conference Rubber 2019: Traditions and Innovations (with international participants) is organised by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Association of Producers of Rubber Technical Goods (Elastomers Association), NIIEMI OOO, Lebedev Synthetic Rubber Research Institute, Moscow Technological University, assisted by Expocentre AO. Media support is provided by the Kauchuk i Rezina Magazine.
The conference participants – developers, manufacturers and customers of elastomer materials and products and raw materials for their production – will discuss scientific and production issues.
The reports will be devoted to the current state and relevant challenges in polymer chemistry, development of production and market of tires, rubber goods, rubber and raw materials for their production in Russia and worldwide taking into account resource efficiency and environment protection as well as changing customer demands.
Press Service, Expocentre AO